Stop Email & Chats Wasting Your Time
Stop Email & Chats Wasting Your Time!
The increased use of collaborative tools, email & chat messaging is creating communication overload in many organisations:
- The instant demand of replys & requests.
- The time spent trying to manage it.
- The sheer quantity of it.
- At times the lack of clarity in the message.
Messaging is recognised as the Number 1 time waster for individuals & teams across organisations.
Clearly, there are a lot of benefits from messaging – it helps work be completed successfully & cuts across many difficulties of historic communication like geographies & time.
There are however concerning behavioural patterns emerging from increased collaborative tool, email & chat use. To continue to use messaging platforms successfully you must take action to stop messaging wasting your time & make it work for you.
Change the way you use messaging – both professionally & personally.
Why is taking control of messaging so important & urgent?
Statistics & facts on messaging are heavily impacting the way we work.
It’s not a tomorrow challenge – its real today, impacting leaders & teams.
- There are ~4 billion active email users, expected to climb to 4.5bn in 2024
- Online business chat & collaboration platforms are the fastest growing sector of communication.
- More than 2 billion users today & growing rapidly – it’s the new wave of message expansion.
- Statistics are evolving; however we know their use is incresing time pressure, message number & instantaneous reply requests.
- We are spending & wasting more time distracted on messages than ever before
- Individuals are receiving up to 250+ messages a day
The quantity is just part of the challenge – it’s the time taken to manage the quantity & the speed expected in response are increasing pressure.
What about your own messaging interactions & demand on your time?
- Individuals spend up to 30% or 2.5 hrs per day / 1.5 days per week of their working time on messages
- Translate the 30% of time into 30% of salary costs to read & send messages & that’s a significant financial performance consideration?
- 60% of messages are checked on mobile devices & we are increasing the level of distraction on smartphones.
- 21% of messages are checked within their first hour of receival – collaborative tools are driving this higher
- Messaging is the single most time-consuming activity in work life today alongside meetings
If not done properly messages are impacting performance.
You can have a lot of resource tied up in non-productive activities.
At Creating Edge, we certainly aren’t against collaborative tools, email & chats – far from it – we know how much they have contributed to collaboration & work completion.
They can be used far more effectively & wisely than they are today.
Leaders, Teams & Organisations can optimise messaging use vs being overloaded with it.
That is of course unless we do something about it!
The statistics are astounding – if not managed properly, elements of collaboration tools, email & chat will continue wasting time & affecting performance at an individual & team level.
Signs that messages are impacting your performance.
If you or your team members are doing any of the following?
- Waiting for an urgent response from a message
- Checking messages first thing in the morning before anything else
- Getting stuck in your inboxes for hours on end during the day
- Not carefully considering everyone you include in a message
- Checking your inboxes constantly for new messages
- Living in your collaboration tool inbox, responding quickly
- Reading messages & answering questions on the spot
- Spending more than two minutes on instant reply messages
- Sending messages that have heated responses
- Excess sending messages vs considering what really needs to be sent
- Have pop up notifications or red circle alerts to inform you of messages
- Checking your message in the bedroom, prior to sleeping
- Sending messages at all times of the day
- Commonly reply all to everyone on the message
You are impacting performance & efficiency & you must address your messaging activities!
It is also more than likely that some of the behaviours are setting a precedent affecting those around you!
Raise the bar in your performance & then shape messaging for those around you.
Or you can take a shortcut – where we have done the hard work for you!
We have researched extensively for the best available solutions to stop messaging, email & chats wasting your time.
Quite honestly we all have no time to waste – so why waste it on messages, email & chats.
Our online Email & Chat course is full of opportunities to address the messaging challenge has been written with the message writer in mind :
- Concise yet comprehensive solutions
- 10 modules full of 330+ tips & actions
- Immediate Quick Fixes to adopt
- Get started for as little as 10 minutes per day
Don’t delay get started today.
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