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Living Your Team Values Shapes Team Culture (Not Printing Them)

Live Your Team Values

Living Your Team Values Shapes Team Culture (Not Printing Them)


When it comes to establishing team culture there are few actions as important as establishing the team values & living by them.

Team values are the foundation of a teams beliefs, behaviours & attitudes that help them achieve their goals. They set the foundation of how a team works together, providing the backbone for team success.

However, if they remain a printed version handed out or stuck on a wall & they aren’t lived by the leaders & team, they aren’t worth the paper they are written on.

Arguably, they will increase team anguish as another exercise in wasting time or corporate jargon.

When a team has strong values, it creates an atmosphere the team can all absorb & adopt.

Depending on your vision your values could encourage creative thinking, honesty, communication, collaboration, recognition, teamwork – whatever the team desires.

A team with welldefined values & ethics is better prepared to deal with conflicts, tensions & issues that may arise within the group.

Having a defined team culture helps create a sense of belonging & unity among the team.

Everyone should feel accepted & appreciated for their unique skills and perspectives.

Establishing shared values is an effective way to create a sense of unity, highlighting common goals, expectations & how the team works together.

Defining a set of principles that everyone agrees to adhere to, establishing the boundaries of acceptable behaviour within the group, providing guidelines for making decisions.

It all helps strengthen the teams connection & collaboration when working together, ensuring members are working together towards a common goal.

However, if they remain a printed set of data or just stuck on a wall both collecting dust & they aren’t lived by leaders & teams, they are relatively worthless.

Welldefined team values that are lived can create an environment of trust & respect, essential for teams to reach their highest potential.

When a team can trust one another without fear of judgment or criticism, they are more likely to discuss their ideas openly & honestly. This type of open, constructive dialogue amongst team members can lead to improved performance & better outcomes for the team as a whole.

Similarly, clearly defined standards of behavioursuch as respecting each others opinions & leveraging the collective expertise of the teamwill help to foster an atmosphere of respect amongst team members.

Team values  are essential for creating a successful & rewarding team culture but only if they are actively lived by team & leader.

Establishing the values foundation together & commit to living with them.

Choosing to establish values & not live by them, is frankly a waste of time.

They must be owned & actively lived to shape team culture.

1. Uphold a sense of responsibility with your values

2. Encouraging all team members to live the values

3. Promoting accountability & transparency to your vision with your values

4. Nurturing the team culture on the back of your values

5. Develop a sense of community within the team

Never, ever establish values & let them collect dust or not live by them – it is a complete waste of time!

A Shaping Culture Journey provides an unique platform to establish team values the whole team can live by.

A tailored journey that can support teams of all sizes, dispersed or localised to harness their uniqueness & create a thriving culture.

Reach out for more information here.

#creatingedge #leadership #management #culture #teamculture