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Sensational Leadership Creates Teams That Go The Extra Mile

Sensational Leadership

Sensational Leadership Creates Teams That Go The Extra Mile


Creating the environment to extract maximum performance out of any team rests with the leader.

Not just any leader – you need to be sensational for maximum performance to result.

It’s not always easy but here we establish core activities for you to undertake to make it happen & ensure your team is going the extra mile.,

1. Establish Clear Expectations

Many teams struggle because they don’t have a clear vision, direction or set of expectations that supports the vision & direction.

To maximise peak performance out of a team, it’s critically important for each individual to know what’s expected of them & how they actively contribute to a broader team & personal goal.

What’s even better, is when they set themselves their clear direction & expectations as part of a bigger team objective– increasing the team drive to exceed expectations & go the extra mile.

2. Keep the Bigger Picture in Mind

Communicate clearly & regularly the bigger picture that everyone is aiming for – a broader objective that everyone feels daily.

Establish several different communication touchpoints so the vision & team expectations are felt across different mediums & in different frequencies.

Ensure everyone has the same understanding & is working together towards the same goal.

Every individuals knows of their importance in team success & how collaboration will make the difference.

3. Provide Motivation & Energy

Motivated teams perform at higher levels & are better able to reach their goals.

Acknowledge team & individual effort & success on a regular basis, always reinforcing the team direction behind the bigger picture.

Find ways to reward & recognise your team members for their effort & success with targeted recognition they truly appreciate as part of the overall objective.

This could be through incentive programs, or simply verbal recognition – establish options with the team & don’t be afraid to overly support their success in reaching the objectives.

Praise is a great motivator & will support your team in going the extra mile.

4. Give Guidance

Coach the team in a positive direction aligned to the bigger picture.

Support the team in every facet in a coaching manner, not providing solutions to challenges but the space to excel & exceed expectation.

Team members understand why tasks need to be done & have. A high level of autonomy to achieve them, only seeking guidance as required or ideas on how to accomplish it more effectively.

Provide positive & constructive feedback, always encouraging team members & individuals to perform at their best.

Check in on the team & individuals regularly to support their journey.

5. Support Unconventional Thinking

Allow team members to come up with creative solutions to problems.

Encourage your team to think outside the box & look at problems from different angles.

Make sure they know it’s ok to be different & take risks.

Nurturing unconventional thinking will allow your team to go the extra mile & be more innovative.

6. Demonstrate Your Commitment

Show that you are committed to the team’s success through your actions – lead by example.

Demonstrate that you are available to support your team & take part in discussions but not provide all the solutions – coaching them for success.

Show that you 100% believe in their abilities & back them in to be 100% successful.

Team members will increase effort when they know you’re dedicated to helping them succeed.

Sensational leadership is what will make a difference. For your team to go the extra mile, you need to create an environment of trust, motivation & support directly from yourself the leader.

The environment you create will build a sense of ownership & commitment within the team, & for all individuals within the team – essential for high performance.

Be sensational!!

A Shaping Culture Journey provides leaders with the positive platform for teams to go the extra mile. A tailored journey that can support teams of all sizes, dispersed or localised to harness their uniqueness & create a team environment for success.

Reach out for more information here.

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