
Instant changes you can make to your leadership
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Transform Your Leadership Instantly By Making These Small Changes

Transform Your Leadership Instantly By Making These Small Changes Your leadership performance is critical to yours & your team’s success. Rather than assume you are maximising your leadership potential – ensure you have the most…
Team Vision
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A Team Aligned Behind a Vision Will Move Mountains

A Team Aligned Behind A Vision Will Move Mountains   A team aligned behind a vision can move mountains as each team member works in harmony to achieve the common goal. Success relies on a strong foundation of positive interactions…
Positively engage your team
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Engage, Engage, Engage … Positively Engage Your Team To Prosper

Engage, Engage, Engage ... Positively Engage Your Team To Prosper   I was at a recent team meeting (invited by the leaders) as part of one of our Shaping Culture Journey process stages. It was only a sort team meeting yet rattled off…
Technical leaders promoted on the back of technical capability
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How to Support Technical Leaders in Team Culture & Transformation

How to Support Technical Leaders in Team Culture & Transformation   Leaders from technical backgrounds can find it difficult to lead teams when promoted to more senior positions. Many technical leaders have been in the same organisation…
Your Greatest Asset is Your Team
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Your Team is Your Greatest Asset, Not Clients, Products or Services

Your Team is Your Greatest Asset, Not Clients, Products or Services   This can challenge some leaders, but without a great team, doing great things how can you remotely consider managing clients, products or services? Your success…